The Conservatives are still in the lead to win the general election by a landslide. Conservatives are on 46% of the vote share versus Labour on 30%. This is the latest poll to support the prediction that the Tories will win by around a 100 seat majority.

The Conservatives’ lead in the polls voting in the general election on June 8 looks pretty unshakeable right now.

The latest YouGov poll for The Times interviewed 1,651 people between May 9 and 10.

It showed that while the percentage of people intending to vote for the Tories slipped by just 1% from the previous poll, May’s party is still massively ahead of Labour with 46% of the share versus the main opposition – Labour – which is at 30%:

This is the latest in a long line of polls that each show the Tories are set to win the general election by a massive majority. Some predictions put Tories on winning by over 100 seats, which could see the Tories would take back control of seats they lost by a small margin last time.

In Britain, there are currently are dozens of seats that the Tories lost out to Labour on in the 2015 general election. But now, with the polls in, it looks like they will take those in the upcoming election - including those from the current Labour heartlands in the North, Wales and London.

Click here to check out where those seats are.